How infertility can strengthen your relationship

How infertility can strengthen your relationship

Anxiety, fear, stress…emotions arising over the last few years in every incipient family on whether they can have a child and create their own beautiful family. Everything starts a beautiful morning or even better, a beautiful night where two people get to know each other, fall in love… and step by step they start making dreams about their life together … their marriage, their family … their future!

Happiness … need for creation, dreams, beautiful moments … everything prepared and ready for them without even knowing that all this can be ruined by the first difficulties that will arise in terms of the acquisition of a child. And somehow, a very serious testing period for their relationship begins, that will reveal for the very first time the couple’s ability to manage the first difficulties on their marriage. This difficulties will be able to evaluate the real aspects of each person’s personality and how much, of course, they can support each other.

Women with fertility problems face a crisis in their social and private life, as well as difficulties in their companionship; a situation that prevents couples from accepting and dealing with reality. In the good / easy / beautiful moments we are all well … During tough times, though, we will be able to see the real character of both man and woman in a relationship. With the woman being more vulnerable to the issue of the child, she needs a lot of help and support not only from her partner but also from her doctor, since, irrespectively of the infertility factor, she is called to lift the medical burden of creating a good embryo, implanting it into the uterus and developing it into a healthy baby.

Most of the times, these couples are distinguished by intense fear of abandonment / rejection by their partner, anxiety about the idea that their partner will not want to stay with them, fear that their partner’s feelings for themselves are not strong enough as their own, fear of losing their partner’s love, worrying that they are lagging behind other people… these people are experiencing higher levels of total infertility stress associated with difficulty in their social, fellow, and sexual lives.

Infertility is an inaccessible path for most couples, and there are few times that led them to emotionally, physically, economically dead ends, which exhausted them … absorbed all their energy … paths in which time gained another meaning as the clock ceased to strike for them … Acceptance of reality requires not only great power-spiritual and mental-but also an altruistic mood not so much to the community and the settlement of the social «must» but to your partner who stands next to you supports you…he/she is your hug, your pillow, the other half of your heart … Never suffer alone, but your soul, never forget, that it is reflected to the person next to you. Support him/her… stay with him/her … Relationships are not easy but the opposite. Difficulties bring us closer, strengthen our love, increase our faith … Our difficulties make us what we are and it is in our hands the way we manage them.

For all the aforementioned, there is a solution … as long as the infertility factors are swollen and can no longer be managed. The couple must always be informed as early as possible before attempting to have a child, regardless of whether this can increase their anxiety about whether they can create their own family through a natural conception.

A great truth, however, is that infertility can irreversibly affect both the life and the relationship of the couple and break down all these beautiful dreams that they drew together shortly before … under the stars of the sky … while at the same time it can dissolve the model of a beautiful or in love man or woman … Something that is really unfair, since misinformation and management can prevent a couple in love at first to write miles of life together with memories…

Discuss clearly with your mate. He/she can help, he/she wants to help you. Show them the way. And you will see how much the data of your relationship will change. It is so beautiful to feel that someone is there for you to hear you, to support you, guide you, and embrace you. And do not forget … people are not things, they are souls … and to conquer them you have to get inside their soul!

We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and you inner thoughts. For further information or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your biggest dream…your child!

Resting after an IVF


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Resting after an IVF

A lot of times after embryo transfer we suggest a 3-5 days period of resting, staying in bed and avoiding strenuous physical activity etc, as we consider that this might contribute in the increase of the possibility for a successful e,bryo implantation in the uterine cavity, which is really hard to establish. But now, a study of the Infertility Institute of Valencia, Spain that was recently published in the » Fertility and Sterility» magazine, reports that resting after in vitro fertilization does not help with gestation.

Dr Jose Remohi and his associates randomly selected 120 women and subjected them to a 10 minute bed rest after the embryo transfer and another 120 women were free to stand up right after the procedure. From the first group, 50 women finally had a baby, while from the second group, 68 had a baby.

The pregnancy percentages were similar between the two groups, but the miscarriage percentage in the rested group was 27,5%, compared to the 18* of the other group. Statistically, this difference can also be attributed to chance, but researchers state that when the woman is standing up, her uterus is in a horizontal position and they spaculate that this is preferable for a successful embryo transfer. They also presume that decrease stress through walking after the procedure, can play a role in the birth rate.

Researchers believe that we should encopurage patients to follow their daily routine right after the embryo transfer so as to be able to better deal with the stress that the procedure of in vitro fertilization brings and to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Each study result published in the infertility sector is hard to establish as every woman has her own medical history (reproductive system pathology – other organ pathology – age.)

One thing is for sure. Every situation ( physical – mental – joy or sadness ) increases the body’s muscular tone or even activates the nervous system (sympathetic – parasympathetic) and can lead to an increase of uterine contractions and in some cases embryo implantation failure.

A good psychological state and minimizing strenuous physical activity for a period of 3-5 days after the embryo transfer in many cases play a rather beneficial role in the successful embryo implantation.

Olga’s emotional letter

Olga's emotional letter

Our dearest doctor,

2015…a year chronicle for our lives! A tough year for us that with your help it got reversed into a year full of happy and beautiful moments!

We are so grateful to you for all the help, patience and kindness you showed us! You made our problem your problem…and eventually you managed to find solutions!

We will never forget you and we will always be more than thankful for what you offered us! We wish you all the, strong mindfulness and belief so as you keep on giving hope and sharing smiles to couples that really need it!

With love,

Dimitris – Olga and their kids

The relationship with the embryologist of your heart!

The relationship with the embryologist of your heart

The fertility journey couples experience during their lives is one of the most important trips they will navigate through! However, trying to conceive without a positive result is able to create not only a psychological transition but also problems in the relationship between them. The diagnosis of infertility often disturbs the waters and brings clouds in the atmosphere during this beautiful journey they have decided to go through together… However, science shapes another point of view on the infertility issue and aims to bring the lull again on this amazing journey! Assisted reproduction with its new methods and techniques creates hope to couples subconsciously and brings the family – creation dream even closer to its realization. One of the most known methods of assisted reproduction, with the highest pregnancy success rates is IVF. In vitro fertilization is the fertilization that occurs outside the body: instead the fertilization of the ovum from the sperm occurs to its natural environment, which is the woman’s uterus, is happens in the laboratory. The embryologist, the scientist who combines the woman’s egg with the male’s sperm in a specially designed area, plays a key role during an IVF cycle, with the aim of creating the coveted embryo, that a few days later will be implanted into the woman’s uterus. Your embryologist, therefore, plays one of the most important roles during an IVF treatment and for this reason we present you below 5 facts that you would definitely want to know before you even begin such a treatment.

Fact # 1

Every embryo is different

In an embryologist’s eyes, each embryo is different because it constitutes the unique result of the combination of an egg with a sperm; gametes that differ in their DNA from the rest. Intravaginal ultrasound is able to show you how many ovaries grow as well as their size during a cycle treatment. However, each egg inside the ovaries has its own, distinct, genetic structure that differentiates it from the rest and accuses on unique fertilizing dynamics. The same thing happens to the sperm as they do not all indicate the same potential fertilization dynamics on an egg.

Fact #2

The embryologist cannot interfere and «correct» the egg and its quality

Women are born with all their eggs and the number and quality of them are changing over time. The embryologist, during an IVF cycle, can clearly create an embryo in the laboratory using the couple’s gametes but, undoubtedly, they cannot repair or increase the genetic dynamics of an embryo. Sure, your way of life can improve the fertility levels your body could indicate, but do not forget to consult your doctor before and during your treatment because he is the only one able to guide you to the success of your treatment.

Fact #3

Every journey is different

During an IVF treatment, it is not right to compare yourself with others. Clearly, it is compassionate to feel that «you are not the only one in this journey» but it is wrong to rely on third parties experiences. We know that this trip will be great and difficult for you … but always remember that each trip is unique because it reveals different paths and drives you to different ports each time, as an IVF treatment is not only therapeutic but also diagnostic. And of course never forget … each treatment has a different outcome, but the positive result is more difficult to manage than the negative!

Fact #4

No one can guarantee success

There are always indications of the outcome of an IVF treatment that constitute a part of the medical history of the couple / woman, their lifestyle, and the woman’s response to the medication that is given to her by her doctor. However, even if all the indications have a positive character, they are not able to guarantee a positive result. Clearly, the sense of hope and optimism are emerging, but it is important that you always continent since, as we mentioned earlier, what is essential is not only the result but also the management of it.

Fact #5

Your embryologist wants the best for you

The magical recipe for success, unfortunately, does not exist! Your doctor and your embryologist want you the best for you and they fight with you to bring you a step closer to your biggest dream…your child! The goal of an IVF cycle and, therefore the port of your trip, is a healthy baby and your embryologist is a big part of this creation! Trust your doctor because he/she is the one who will lead you to the embryologist of your heart … and if I mention «your heart» is because he/she will create «the baby of your heart»!!!


We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and you inner thoughts. For further information or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your biggest dream…your child!

Don’t let the mirror disappoint you…because your new role as a mom lasts forever!

“You may feel the last six months that your body is changing…that you are gaining weight…that you don’t like what you see in your mirror…but don’t forget… the deeper meaning of motherhood and your new role as a mom last forever!”

 Is it just the emotional load a mother feels? Are there no words to describe it?

You don’t see happiness…you can’t touch it! But only feel it and experience it! During your pregnancy you were already preparing yourself for your new role…the biggest one of your whole life…the role of mother, changing parts of your personality piece by piece and talking about your new relationship…what it will bring in your life…what you will share together…your transformation and the relationship with the partner of your life…your husband!

Your baby…the most beautiful and meaningful gift life has offered you!

Is it really the face of happiness? The face of the strongest love? Undoubtedly, it will definitely be the most valuable and vulnerable point of yours forever since you will have a second heart “beating” outside your body…more exposed and more unprotected than yours!

We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and you inner thoughts. For further information or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your biggest dream…your child!

6 Potential signs of infertility

Fertility is an issue that effects on human nature since ancient times and its purpose is its preservation and protection from factors that can harm or even deprive it from you. Infertility is defined as the inability to natural conception after a reasonable period of time, and recently, its incidence in couples has increased to 15-20%. However, there are possible early warning signs that can be accused for infertility. While many couples will have no signs or symptoms, if you do have any, you should talk to your doctor immediately.

Do you have irregular cycles, bleeding or excessive cramps?

Repeated irregular cycles, especially when accompanied by intense pain and cramps or significant changes in blood flow during your period, may cause suspicion for infertility. Period disorders are associated not only with ovarian failure but are often incriminated for affecting the thyroid hormones and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In addition, frequent and painful cramps during menstruation can be targeted as a symptom of endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (infection in the uterus, the fallopian tubes and/or the ovaries).

Are you over 35 years old?

From the age of 35 and onwards, female fertility is significantly decreased, and from the age of 40 onwards, the likelihood of a natural conception is radically minimized. Chances, at the age of 40, are 1 out of 20, from the age of 43 and after the chances are 1 out of 100, and from the age of 50 and onwards the possibility of childbirth seems almost impossible. Male and female fertility decrease over time, while the risk of recurrent miscarriages and premature birth after age 35 is particularly high.

Do you have essential weight fluctuations?

Your weight plays a very important role in your fertility. However, it should be clarified that the body mass index of a woman is not considered to be a factor for infertility, but only combined with other pathological factors may contribute to the malfunction of natural conception.

Recurrent miscarriages

Recurrent miscarriages are not a symptom but a cause for infertility. It is known that the risk of a new miscarriage increases according to the number of previous miscarriages the woman has experienced. For this reason, it is important that you contact your doctor immediately in such a case.

Do you have a history of Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

STDs could be the cause of infertility in the couple. Chlamydia infection or gonorrhea can cause blockage of the fallopian tubes and increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy when in the meanwhile they are able to cause significant ovarian and uterine problems. Unfortunately, most of the STDs have no symptoms, especially in women, so their treatment seems almost impossible.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

Surveys show that smoking and frequent consumption of alcohol negatively affect the sperm counts, sperm mobility as well as its morphology. The woman, on the other hand, can be driven towards premature ovarian aging, increasing the likelihood of premature menopause in the long term.

We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and your inner thoughts. For further information, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your bigger dream…your child!

The solution to male infertility has been found!

Globalization? Development? Technology? No matter who the responsible is, the solution to male infertility has been found, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield. A magnetic “radar” machine called «Sperm Scanner» isolates the sperm and examines its molecular structure without destroying it, thus allowing doctors to choose the sperm that shows the best quality and fertilizing ability to be used in an assisted reproductive cycle treatment.

So far, embryologists have been carefully choosing the best eggs during an IVF treatment, as well as the best embryos (blasto) for implantation, but they were unable to do the same with the sperm – choose the best sperm sample to fertilize the egg.

One out of six couples encounters difficulty in conception, and many of them resort to assisted reproduction treatment techniques in order to create their own beloved family. Experts report that the main reason for this situation is the age that negatively affects the quality and quantity of the sperm, over time.

This technique is still under trial. However, it is, indeed, impressive the existence of a method that can examine the molecular structure of the sperm, by isolating the qualitative genetic material without destroying it and thus increasing the chances of a successful IVF and a positive pregnancy test in the long term.

Bleeding during an IVF cycle?


One of the most difficult things IVF patients have to deal with is the fact that there are no symptoms or signs of what’s happening inside their bodies. Bleeding during an IVF cycle constitutes not only a source of anxiety for the couple/woman but also an important indicator of the treatment cycle, most of the times.

The Last Period before IVF

The first day of your period marks not only the beginning of the IVF cycle but also awakens the dream of creating your own beautiful family. You are ready to give your best shot for your baby angel who will radically change your life and will pave the way towards new horizons and challenges, knowing that it will not be the easiest one, but it will definitely be the sweetest and most beautiful of all.

Bleeding after Egg Collection

You may notice some blood spotting after the egg collection. However, this is not something to worry about; egg collection is an invasive method in which a needle invades into the follicle in order to absorb the isolated egg. This bleeding is usually minimal and stops very soon. Increased blood flow is really rare and, if this is the case, you should, immediately, inform your doctor.

Bleeding after Embryo Transfer

And suddenly the time is freezing… And the pregnancy test looks so far … 2 weeks of stress … fear … hope!! Dreams come and go… and your feelings seem to be prisoned into an elevator that goes up and down all the time!

But what if you see blood spotting during these 2 weeks? The appearance of bleeding after the embryo transfer does not necessarily indicate the start of your period and thus the failure of the IVF cycle. Instead, it is very likely to indicate low levels of progesterone and estrogen, that on the one hand does not affect the embryos implanted in your uterus and, on the other hand, it can be easily regulated if you inform your doctor as soon as possible.

We are always here for you to guide you, provideyou more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and your inner thoughts. For further information, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your bigger dream…your child!

Myths and Facts…Fact #5

This week, in a sequel of our previous week’s article, we are presenting you the second method that can contribute not only to the dynamics of your body but it is also able to lessen the stress you might have and bring to a relaxing synchronization your mind and body. So here we go!

Fact #5

“Yoga boosts your fertility”

Yoga helps your mind communicate with your soul, helps the body relax and increases the power of the thought through a mental possession process! Everything is synchronized from the way we feel; feelings can generate thoughts and thoughts, most of the times, generate reality! Everything we experience used to be part of our thoughts and feelings! So Yoga, can definitely help women, who undergo a fertility treatment, relax, communicate with their inner self, feel free to express their emotions and undergo their treatment in a smoother and less painful way.

We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the enformentioned, advice you and listen to you and your inner thoughts. For further information, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your bigger dream…your child!